Saturday, February 25, 2012

Culture Shock

So going from Mapleton to Ephraim to Cedar City and having never visited a big city where you have to use public transportation then all the sudden moving to a city of like 4 million people and learning how to use public transportation in a foreign language is a huge culture shock. Another huge culture shock is being the only LDS person around instead of being one of the many. You instantly stand out. My roommates asked me if I have ever gotten drunk and I said no. They couldn’t believe that you could have parties and have fun without getting drunk. I feel my friends and I have way better parties because we think of fun activities to do so we are always doing something different, not just going to the bar and getting drunk. Also swearing every other word is something I just don’t get.

Greeks have a crazy way of life, or at least what I’ve seen of it. They seem to be night owls and I am not a night owl I am an early bird! They also have a quiet time in the city I live in, like siesta, from 3-5pm. All the stores close and you are supposed to keep outside noise to a minimum. I have no clue what store hours are because they seem to be different every day.

It seems like everyone who is on this study abroad spends money like it’s going out of style. And they have all been to Europe before and travel within the United States often. I feel out of place when they talk about all the traveling they have done and when they ask me they can’t believe that this is the first time I have ever left the country. To them that is just unimaginable.   

This is going to be one of the best things I could have done. I don’t think I would’ve ever had an experience like this and I have realized I want to stay in Utah. I like my little towns and grid system. I miss both very much.

Today I went into Athens with 2 other study abroad students. The only way I can see to describe it is take Tijuana, the LA Mart, and the Gateway mall and mix them all together add lots of old churches and columns and you have Athens.

The blogger way of uploading pictures frustrates me sometimes so I’m going to try something new. Tell me if you like it or don’t and I can make changes as necessary.

All pictures should be on this site let me know if you can’t view them and I will find a better way

1 comment:

Dylan said...

I looks just like Mapleton! And the pictures are very nice