Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Things you never knew you cherished

You know when you live somewhere you don’t realize how good you have it and how much you take for granted. Being on this study abroad I have realized the small things are what mattered most.

Like walking through campus and knowing half of the people you passed by their first name.

Making the long trek from the science building to the institute in 5 minutes as opposed to taking a bus, metro and walking for a total of at least 45 minutes.

Being able to buy Reese’s peanut butter cups on an impulse at the register. (or at all)

Passing 3 other church buildings on the way to church.

Talking to kids. I cannot tell you how much I miss all the annoying questions kindergarteners ask.

Hearing someone humming a church song.

Commercials. I know this one sounds funny but when I watch hulu I now pay attention to the commercials to see what is going on in America.

I think the thing I miss most is the family atmosphere. Even when I’m at SUU I still feel like a part of a family, my friends there are awesome and always make you feel like you belong.

I miss the comfort of knowing that I can knock on the neighbors door and ask for a priesthood blessing right then and there.

Today in linear algebra a first happened for me I finished the problem before anyone else and only three other students got the correct answer. During the smoke break of our two hour long class I was sitting in the classroom while everyone else went out and the professor asked me how I finished so quickly and asked to see my work. He then asked me about where I was from and told me about how he studied in Tennessee and Boston. We talked about the things we never knew we missed until we moved and he exclaimed how each state is so different. People here think all the states are the same since they are all in the same country.

My stay in Greece is half over and I can almost see the plane back to America but first I must see more countries and eat more weird food like paprika potato chips.


Lauren said...

If you are in need of kindergarten questions, call Kate. She is hilarious.

Dylan said...

comment, comment ,comment ,comment,comment, comment ,comment ,commentcomment, comment ,comment ,comment comment, comment ,comment ,comment

Are you happy now?

Brittney said...

Dad thats like kenny going whistle whistle whistle to the dog.

Grama Marcia said...

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto...

Grama Marcia said...

Dito, Ditto, Ditto...