Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Last FHE in Greece

So I went to my last FHE in Greece Monday night and I’ve been putting off blogging about it. I guess I decided that if I didn’t blog about it it didn’t happen but it did and it was fun and sad. You never know what’s going to happen for FHE(Family Home Evening), the missionaries are in charge of it and it’s always interesting to see what they come up with, especially for the game. This semester I have learned a lot of new games,new words from English missionaries, new words (or just a different way of saying the same words) from the members from Africa, some Greek and how much faith it takes to believe in something that is not a part of the culture.
The members here amaze me. They are so strong and they never complain about how long it takes them to get to church. This is something I have learned I do. In Utah to get to the singles ward you pass approximately 15 other church buildings and go through two towns before getting to the singles ward and I frequently complained that I had to drive, ya I complained that I had control over when and how I got somewhere, and that it took too long. Well now that I have had to plan around public transportation to get to church I feel like my complaints were really selfish. It takes about 45 min to get to the Acropolis branch from my apartment and that’s only if I only have to wait 5 min for the bus to get there. Sometimes it can take an hour easy to get there if the bus is slow or the metros aren’t running as often. I have a new appreciation for my life in America, it is very cushioned and easy and stable. (OK that last one mostly refers to how the grocery stores have different items in them so if you see something you want you have to buy it right then cause it might not be there next time.)  

I hope I don’t get complacent in my life when I get back and that I remember the small things that make such a huge difference.

I am excited to say I will see at least two of the people in this picture again in this life. They will be returning home soon and live in Utah! 

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