Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday dinner

I never thought that I would post about Sunday dinner while in Greece but here it is.
Amazingly awesome Sunday! Yesterday I was feeling extremely homesick, I was feeling so homesick I Skyped my mom and just made her stay on Skype, even though she had a ton to do I just needed to see and hear the life of Utah. I woke up this morning still homesick and wanted nothing more than to be at Sunday dinner, hear a prayer over food out loud, talk with people who understand me and play outside with everyone. While walking up the last stretch of road to church I told myself that in 14 more days I would be home and everyone would be there for Sunday dinner. Just two more Sundays I can last two more Sundays.

I got to church and like everyone was gone this week. It was really weird and way smaller than its usual small self and there were even 4 visitors from Utah they said they were from the Salt Lake area. I walked in and Sister Hicks told me that like everyone would be gone this week and that they would be gone next week. I told her that then this would be the last time we saw each other because next week is my last week. Then the best thing on earth happened she asked if I would like to come over for dinner today. My insides were doing the happiest happy dance ever! I mean all the way to church I was just telling myself that I could last two more weeks without a family dinner and then all would be good but here was an invitation to not have to just hold on to the fact that there are only two more Sundays left before I get to run around with my crazy family again. Words cannot describe how happy I was to be afforded the chance to have a meal, not just food ate in my room with headphones on, but a real family meal where people talked about happy things, and not how angry they are about this on Facebook or that on Twitter. I mean if you didn’t want someone to Facebook it why did you do it in the first place? Today was an awesome day; a great meal, a walk/scooter ride in the park, board games and someone to talk to about church related stuff. I don’t think the members of the Halandri branch really know how much I look forward to Sundays, it’s one of the few days of the week that I get to be me. I don’t worry about being made fun of, being asked for the umpteenth time why I don’t do something, about having to define the words I use, I can just be me. The Saturday night YSA activities and church are pretty much the only reason I’ll miss Greece.

And now,even though I wrote this blog earlier on my tablet, I realize that you have the address to my blog and may read this one day so thank you Sister Hicks for the awesome day I really needed it.


Dylan said...

Sunday Dinner???? Well...what should we have for Sunday Dinner on the 17th? I pick Greek Food. You know it is Fathers Day. Hee-Hee

My Fam-i-Lee said...

I agree, Greek food on the 17th! We miss you too!

Brittney said...

No! NO Greek food. I vote for hamburgers or turkey sandwiches. I probably wont be hungry the first Sunday I'm home, usually when I travel my tummy gets all worried and wont let food enter it.