Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The most dangerous sport

is anything with a ball and a church group.
So the FHE group I'm in charge of is kinda lame. I'm pretty much the only one that goes willingly or at all. I think that there is only one member in one of the apartments they gave us and then my roommates usually make up lame excuses and the other apartment of girls only has 3 in it and one or two of them usually come, we usually end up with like five to six people. Well this week the guy that is supposed to help plan activities with me usually just text me Monday afternoon and asks if I planned anything. I usually have put some thought into it and can come up with something and send out a text to all of the people in our group. Well Monday I just wasn't in the mood so I told him it was his turn to think of something and I'll text everyone and tell them when and where it is. He came up with going with his brothers group and playing softball, I was the only one from my group that went and this is what I have to show for going to FHE.
This picture is from my phone the night it happend.

The next morning



This happened after we were finished playing, this guy wanted to just hit it one more time so me and this other girl that played softball on her high school team went out to left field to catch his ball. He hit it right to me and I put my mitt up but it just hit the side of it and then hit me. It was coming pretty fast I fell over and the other girl that was out there with me came over and was like "Wow that hit you hard" then everyone else came over and were like ohhhh, it didn’t sound good to me, I was very concerned. I could feel it swelling up while we were picking teams for ultimate frisbee and then they were like you should probably just go home and get some ice on that so someone gave me a ride home and when I finally saw it I was amazed at how fast you can turn that weird blue, brown, purple color. The next morning I was amazed at how bad it hurt.

Just to let you know sneezing hurts a lot. I know that’s weird but I keep sneezing today and it hurts.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That looks painful. just stop sneezing. ha ha.