Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Work is pretty good

Having two jobs and school is not good for my social life. But on the plus side I have made friends with some really cool clients at Brian Head. For some reason my boss thinks that I need to teach all of the kids under 7, yes that includes a 3 year old , and all the really scared soccer moms. So I have met the funniest kids, and some of the worst listeners ever. If you ever want to know something about a family spend 3 hours with the kid riding a chair lift, they will tell you everything. I know why mommy is mad at daddy and why being a Mormon is the best, and why Mormons are weird, and that snow is cold, and that daddy got a new job so the family is moving to England and the kid is kinda scared to go to a new school, and many other random facts. I have also learned that most kids like math class the best, which is really weird to me, and that first person shooters seem to be the game of choice. Lift lines are long and lift rides are even longer. You can learn a lot about a person in a 3 hour lesson. I really like the lessons where the kid talks. The lessons where they just stare at you are really weird.
I also LOVE my job out at Discovery Ranch for Girls!!! Some days I just shake my head and wonder why they made that choice but most days I’m celebrating a huge accomplishment for the girl. I love seeing them grow and learn to ask for help and accept what you tell them, and I love it when they ask for more clarification on their school work. Some of the girls are really good at asking for help and some you have to force to let you help them.  I also love that since I get dinner while I’m there my food bill is much smaller. I really couldn’t ask for better jobs.

And a funny story for the day. I drove up to work with a sucker in my mouth and got out of my car but then I was like oh I don’t want to bring a sucker into work so I walked back to my car and left it in my car. When I got inside one of the students asked me if I was smoking a joint before I came to work! I started laughing so hard. The principal was sitting right there and he started laughing too.

(even if I have to be a grown-up)

This little boarders parents felt that we were a babysitting service and didn't
come to pick up their child until 45 min after the lesson ended. 

The sucker I had that apparently looks like a joint

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