Sunday, September 18, 2011

Best family ever!

The other day I was complaining about how my mom has a job and I can’t just call her whenever I want and have a long conversation and how when I go home to visit she doesn’t get home until late and then the people I was talking with were like so let me get this straight, your mad because your mom got a job? I said yes I’m used to my mom always being there whenever I want her to be, she never worked when I lived at home.  I then realized how stupid that was. This one guys parents don’t help him out at all and he was like stop complaining about it, your parents help you pay for college and your car and your phone (they were having a conversation one day about how much their insurance and phone bills were and they asked me and I had to say I don’t know my parents help me out with that stuff I just have to do my best and graduate) I then realized that I have the best parents on earth.

As I get to know more people the more I realize that I have the best family there is, even if we make fun of each other. It surprises me how many parents send their kids to school and don’t help them at all or even care how hard of a time they are having. One person asked me who I was texting and I said my daddy and they said I don’t even know the last time I talked to my parents. I just don’t get that. I love my family, all their craziness and teasing. I wouldn’t trade my family in for any other family.

I love the random text conversations with my parents, and the random pictures from Jordan and Dylan, and especially the awesome conversations about Phineas and Ferb with Lauren, (even if my friends do get a hold of my phone and make fun of me) I love it all.

I love the surprise packages from the office (even if the UPS man always comes while I’m in class so I have to go pick it up) they always make my week better and my friends like to see what crazy stuff I got this time. I love that my family is strong in the church and raised me to know who I am and what I stand for. I have seen too many people move out and go astray because they didn’t make the choice when they were young to stay on the straight and narrow they just followed their parents. I am grateful that my family lets us make our own mistakes and then helps us to clean them up.

I’m grateful that my mom taught me to stand strong and how to make food “out of nothing” as my roommates say. (apparently only having 2 eggs, butter and milk in the fridge should not allow you to make delicious meals, I feel that those are the main ingredients to most delicious foods) I’m also very grateful that she taught me how to clean up after myself. Roommates teach you a lot about yourself and I have learned that I do not function well if there is a layer of food on the counters and every dish is dirty.

I’m grateful that my family taught me that if your legs work well by golly why are you driving? It’s cheaper and healthier to walk or ride a bike to school.

I’m grateful that our family only expects your best out of you and doesn’t look down on you because you’re not studying law like your dad wanted or you’re not becoming a doctor like your grandpa, we love each other no matter what and I love that.

I’m grateful that we are competitive in a good way and that we push each other to do great things we never would have done. Like run the Red Rock Relay, all my friends told me I was insane when I would try to leave activities early so I could go run, most of them told me to just quit, but that competitiveness in me made me run all 18.2 miles of my legs of the race. Now my friends are just amazed at my stubbornness.

I’m grateful that no one in our family insists that we all get together and go to a photographer and stand all stiff next to each other to get pictures. I like crazy ones where only half of us are looking, that’s more like our family.

I’m most grateful that families are FOREVER. I love this crazy family of ours and am grateful that we will be able to bother each other for all eternity.   

My gratefull list could go on forever but I have to stop typing at some point and go to bed.

this is how all families should do family pictures

we're all in the same place same time with smiles better take a picture

1 comment:

Lauren said...

we love you too Britt. And Lauren loves to text you!! We miss you!!!