Thursday, February 23, 2012


Today we had a campus tour. The campus is kinda confusing and its all gated so you need an ID to be able to get in. They broke up the study abroad group and like put us in groups with some native Greeks and of course some of the study abroad students were in your group. I learned a lot about Greece and the culture today. Also I learned that all the study abroad students want to learn is how to swear in Greek. I just tuned those out, which is easy because it’s all Greek to me!

Also you all need to know that websites automatically come up in Greek even if you type .com. Like Google is my homepage and it’s in Greek and it’s kinda hard to get it to be in English you like have to go through the email to turn it into English. Like even Blogger is in Greek. It’s a good thing I remember what buttons do what.
this is my room. I am standing up against the door in
the picture below like in the corner 
Here I'm standing just outside of the sliding glass door

This is the view from my balcony off of my room

This is the other way off of my balcony

and another view off of my balcony

This is on campus. The balls are not secured to the ground when I
jumped up on it it was all wobbly so I didn't want to stand up

I have no clue what these are but they are all over campus
 its like a super fancy garden hose hook up

somewhere in this picture there is the Olympic stadium.
You can see it better in person

A view of Athens from campus

A view of Athens from campus

This is the Soccer field and Olympic sized track.
 Where I'm standing is like right at the pool

This is the pool the Olympic athletes practiced in. There is a dome over it now but in like Aprilish I guess they take it off and it's an outdoor pool.
Hey mom they told us that Michael Phelps always practiced in lane 7 

We saw this shop on the way to the grocery store.
I'm not sure if you want to know what those are if you really do leave a comment
The guy on the far left kinda in shadow is Kostas, hes kind of a native but not really, I dont remember the guys name in the background then the guy with the hat is Lucas hes from Kansas.

I have found what I am addicted to.
All day all I wanted to eat was a peanut butter sandwich.
We finally went to the store at like 6 or 7. It is pretty far from where we live like a 20 min walk or so.
This jar of peanut butter cost 5,72€ which is $7.61 USD The card next to it is the size of a credit card, I didnt want my credit card to be in the picture.

Drivers here are crazy! No one ever has the right of way like seriously no one and everyone at the same time. If you are crossing the street you have to wait for an opening becuase the cars do not stop or slow down for you!
This picture is of a car parked on the sidewalk, which is totally normal, on the corner!

Dad said to buy cookies but I didn't but wanted to show him they do have Cookies

Well its like now midnight in Greece so good night everyone!


Dylan said...

Thanks for the cookies! And they look like birds. I don't eat birds!

Auntie said...

Auntie said
Love the Peanut Butter when you eat all of it. Do not to save the jar for your mom. Miss you have a great time. Wish I was with you.

Auntie said...

Sorry spelling is bad No Its my typing.

Brittney said...

Dad they are not birds. They looked like lambs. They even still had the eyes still in them it was really weird.

Lauren said...

That"s an expensive pb&J sandwich

Dylan said...

Well Brittney I don't lamb even more!